Leader in Mind for Future-Proofing
Coaching, Training and Facilitation for the Development of Individuals, Teams and Organizations
We accompany teams and organizations in learning and development processes with the aim of creating new things in order to
not only to react, but to remain capable of action. Further development and self-leadership,
For this, we create spaces for thought and dialog. Enabling learning from doing.
We rely on the power of dialogue and reflection to enable adaptive learning and adaptability.
Truthful, honest, authentic, so that real encounter is possible.
We promote the quality of relationships in the organization.
The solution lies in the people: that is our principle. We support people in companies to get out of the role of the driven and into the role of the controller and shaper. Today, interactive learning is the basis for this.
In change processes, in the context of restructuring or in the solution of complex tasks
we jointly explore the strengths and knowledge of employees and managers.
We create the space for a constructive and appreciative discussion. This also implies pausing once in a while, asking questions, breaking away from the tried and true, and thinking from the future. Tasks in which everyone in the team and in the organization participates, regardless of expertise and position.
Our collaboration with teams, executives and in the organization takes place in different formats: as consulting, inform of trainings, workshops or coaching. These terms only denote the formal framework. The core of our long-standing work is always the individually orchestrated architecture of various formats and measures. We focus on the following areas and services:
Passion and many years of expertise, ease in dealing with people and focus on the individual peculiarities of organizations, openness to new developments, security in strategic implementation, humorous, empathetic, committed, genuine, innovative, agile: this is what distinguishes Leaders in Mind. Managing Director Anette Stein-Hanusch has been advising and supporting companies for more than 20 years and is happy to do so together with experienced associated network partners and their expertise. In these partnerships, we serve each other with mutual supervision, content support, and collaboration on larger projects worked on under the leadership of a network partner.
Anette Stein-Hanusch
Founder and CEO of Leader in Mind GmbH (Düsseldorf)
Claudia Alby
Leadership & Seeds (Munich)
Anna Abelein
Founder and CEO of Protostart GmbH (Düsseldorf)
Elisabeth Schulze Jägle
Eschuja (Berlin/Brandenburg metropolitan region)
Helga Brüggemann
Systemic Consulting (Düsseldorf)
Prof. Dr. Babette Brinkmann
Professor of Group and Organizational Psychology at TH Köln (Cologne & Paris)
David Ducheyne
Daniel Trebien
Petra Lewe, GF Enactus Deutschland
Claudia Dammrat
Leader in Mind GmbH
Burgmüllerstrasse 30
40235 Düsseldorf
T. +49.(0)211.30176786
The times when executives had to know and do everything are coming to an end. New employees have new demands for work, they ask for meaning, and they want to organize themselves and collaborate in teams differently than before. This raises the question of what leadership should look like in the future and whether it is still necessary. Leadership is losing focus on the essentials. Only consciously embodying change enables new forms of leadership in times of transformation. We provide you with experiential and dialogue spaces to consciously shape your leadership role.
– Leadership Expeditions
– Mindful Leadership
– Coaching
– Leadership Feedback
– Future Dialogues
Examples and approaches can be discussed in a personal conversation. Give us a call.
T. +49.(0)211.30176786
Embarking on learning expeditions and collectively exploring new, unknown territory—that’s what our expeditions are all about. They enable learning together and transforming and implementing the insights and experiences gained into the context of your own organizational culture through interactive steps. For example, when it comes to topics such as:
– New HR
– Leadership Expeditions
– Learning Teams – Liberating Structures
– Learning LAB
Examples and approaches can be discussed in a personal conversation. Give us a call.
Ethics in organizations is a broad field. It involves questions about dealing with power, inclusion, protection, and support for addressing issues such as sexual harassment, as well as establishing clear structures for protecting whistleblowers and the rights of future generations, just to name a few of the issues. We accompany you wherever you are: whether it’s developing an initial comprehensive concept, addressing immediate challenges, or addressing specific questions and perspectives.
– Development, implementation, support, and evaluation of ethical guidelines and value-oriented organizational development
– Values-based organizational development
– Qualification programs on ethics in organizations and ethical leadership
– Coaching and team development
– Mediation services and conflict resolution consultation
Examples and approaches can be discussed in a personal conversation
Mindfulness is the leadership mindset of the 21st century, according to Otto Scharmer from MIT in Boston. Mindfulness is the response to increasing complexity and the pressure to succeed. Complex and chaotic conditions require a clear mental focus to ride the wave instead of being washed away. In times of change, there is a need for self-awareness and self-leadership. This forms the basis for conscious action and a departure from autopilot mode. By doing so, you enhance your presence, innovation capacity, and ability to take action. Our offerings in this regard include:
– Coaching
– Mindful Leadership Program
– The Art of Self-Leadership
Examples and approaches can be discussed in a personal conversation. Give us a call.
T. +49.(0)211.30176786
Organizations are constantly engaged in a dialogue with their environment. As the external factors change, so do the challenges faced by organizations. Climate and biodiversity crises, digitalization, generational shifts, legislative changes, migration, globalization, energy and transportation transitions – numerous transformations demand a paradigm shift from organizations.
Organizational development in transformation, for us, means supporting organizations in proactively addressing the challenges of their environment and shaping the future in alignment with these changes.
– We offer culture and structural development towards an architecture of change and dynamic transformation.
– Values-based organizational and leadership development.
– Co-creative processes involving the entire organization.
Examples and approaches can be discussed in a personal conversation. Give us a call.
T. +49.(0)211.30176786
The aim here is to recognize and unleash potential, to make differences visible and beneficial, and to connect and leverage competencies so that collaborative and innovative work for team success becomes truly achievable. To thrive in today’s world, interactive learning is necessary.
– Team development
– Team coaching
– Introducing agile working
Examples and approaches can be discussed in a personal conversation. Give us a call.